Enuff of Cover-Ups

Author: Cynic

The news of the Election Commision(EC) calling for a refreshment of the electorate list came as a huge disbelief to me as those scumbags are playin a wayang kulit behind.

All the calls before the election to eradicate the emergence of phantom voters had been ignored and the scrapping of the inedible inks brought greater turbulence to the EC and wuteva moves they are playin bhind the backdrops only invite more doubts on the already tainted EC.

Refreshing a list doesnt bring the transparency we craving as rakyat.It's only a mild effort that come a lil too late because their reputation has long been down the drain.1 positive is that there won't be any more complaints where a DEAD person is able to vote(foreigners were given the IC to vote from certain quarters).

We have already lost confidence of the wutever commisions thats being runned or the coming ones as they are manipulated as well as accomodative


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